On the Blog

Why I Became a Coach
And why I chose to study with the Beautiful You Life Coaching Academy…

3 Ways You Can Connect to the Present Moment
Where is your energy plugged into right this very moment? Instead of worrying about the past or the future, try this…

5 Leadership Tips I Wish I Knew Before I Became a Leader
I was asked recently in an interview to share my advice to individuals starting out as leaders. Here’s my top 5 tips…

5 Ways to Gain Clarity When You’re Stuck in Confusion
Too often we get stuck in a cycle of frustration. Instead of allowing your monkey mind to run free try this...

The Positive Impact of Intuition in the Workplace
There are numerous evidence-based studies on the positive impact that meditation/mindfulness and intuition have on organisations and their employees. This is why I love to teach leaders and companies how to connect to their Intuitive Intelligence…

3 Intuition Myths Debunked
MYTH #1- intuition is new age fluff and there's no room for it in the workplace.
FACT: Intuition is backed by modern science and research…

Why Integrity in Leadership is Critical to Business Success
For me, integrity is what keeps me congruent in the offers I create, the way I serve my clients, and how I show up in both my business and in life.
This is what I've learned about integrity…

How to Keep Your Nervous System Healthy
Breathing; we all do it, but did you know that many of us only take short shallow breaths?
Here are two simple breathing exercises you can do right now to support your nervous system.

The Body-Mind Addiction
Fortunately, there is a way out of this addiction to fear. Here are some tips…

How to Cultivate More Compassion
I believe compassion is an essential Leadership skill that is needed in today’s workplace, now more than ever before. While to some this is something that comes naturally, to others it takes practice.
Here are my top 4 tips to cultivate more compassion…