3 Intuition Myths Debunked
MYTH #1- intuition is new age fluff and there's no room for it in the workplace.
FACT: Intuition is backed by modern science and research by organisations such as the HeartMath Institute have conducted studies on repeat entrepreneurs to prove this point. The studies also demonstrated that successful entrepreneurs use their intuition more times than not to make key business decisions.
Steve Jobs was clearly onto something when he was quoted saying this:
“Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.They somehow already know what they want to become. Everything else is secondary.”
The heart has been proven to be more than just a blood-pumping organ. The heart has a mini brain, or heart-brain that is composed of approximately 40,000 neurons that are like neurons in the brain, meaning that the heart has its own nervous system, and sends more signals to the brain than the other way around.
It is this heart-brain that is the true portal of intuition (not the third eye).
It also makes so much more sense to know why we say things like, "follow your heart".
MYTH #2 - There is only 1 intuition.
FACT: There are 2 forms of intuition; local (biological) and nonlocal.
Many people are aware of their local intuition and will often describe feeling certain vibes as they walk into a room, or will speak about trusting their gut feeling.
What many don't know is that all of this is based on the scientific fact that we are electromagnetic beings who produce electromagnetic fields and as a result, we have the capacity, through our own in-built technology, to communicate information with each other all of the time (whether we are aware of it or not).
I work with my nonlocal intuition and I teach leaders to develop theirs.
MYTH #3- Intuition is a gift that some people possess and others don't.
Fact: Intuition is innate in all of us in equal measure. The difference between people that are able to access their intuition on demand is practice.
Just as a pianist would spend hours and hours of practice mastering their skill, all of us are able to practice using our intuition.
How do you start to master this skill?
listen to your gut instinct; trust and act on those impulses
spend time in silence and solitude every day (start small & build up the time slowly)
learn to regulate your emotions
practice gratitude
spend time in nature