Running a Values-based Business
Can mean saying no to potential clients…
"Don't invest in my training right now", I said to a potential client on a consultation call for my latest program.
“It’s not hard to make decisions once you know what you’re values are.”
- Roy. E. Disney
I won't lie, it would have helped me meet my monthly income goal, but the last thing I want is for any person to work with me when:
they are not in a financial situation to comfortably do so
they may potentially get into debt
we are clearly not a good match
they are not within my niche or area of expertise
I have personally been on the receiving end of discovery calls where coaches have suggested that if I don't invest in myself and potentially get myself into debt that means I must have:
self-worth issues
don't want it badly enough
I have money blocks and/or
All of the above.
I call bullshit on pseudo-spirituality, bro marketing, and inauthentic sales practices that rely on fear-mongering and scarcity tactics.
Yes, I have income goals BUT I will not sacrifice my integrity, honesty, and authenticity for any amount of €€€€.
I started my business because I realised that my values were misaligned with my employer and so I set out to re-evaluate my own values and to create a purposeful values-based business.
Tips if you’re a potential client looking for a coach:
Listen to your intuition - is it a full-bodied yes?
Is your decision based on fear or love?
Consider your finances before you hop on a call.
Tips for running a values-based business:
Regularly re-evaluate your values. These often change as your business and you grow and evolve.
Ensure you have specific behaviours around your core values. It’s easy to have pretty words on a wall or on a website, but it is way more meaningful when you can attach demonstrable behaviours that you, your clients, and your team can refer to.
Make sure your values are decision-proof.
Can you easily recognise when you’re out of alignment and congruence with your values? How do you feel?