3 Ways You Can Connect to the Present Moment
Where is your energy plugged into right at this very moment?
Is it plugged into an event/thought/situation and/or emotion from the past, or are you forecasting (aka worrying) about what may happen in the future?
If so, then you are not present in the here and now.
The divine is in constant communication with you but if you're tuned into a different frequency or not present you'll never clearly tap into your intuition.
Take an inventory of your energy and think about what percentage of today has been spent in the here and now?
Here are 3 ways to connect back to present time:
Breathe. Take 3 deep conscious breaths. Breathe in through the nose and out through the mouth with an audible sigh. Become aware of how your breath enters your nostrils and exits your mouth. Breathe in through the nose now, hold the breath at the top of the inhalation and exhale through the nose slowly. Again, notice the cool air entering your nostrils and the warmer air exiting the nostrils.
Immerse yourself in an activity you adore. That one thing you can spend hours on and it's like time has stopped existing.
Listen to a guided visualisation.